Just as our lives are uncertain so are the situations on a shooting floor. It could be a Corporate Film, Ad Shoot or a Feature Film, uncertainties are certain and we stand strong when we learn to handle these crises.

            My phone started beeping at 4 am. It was a beautiful Thursday morning. As an age-old ritual, I gave a wake-up call to my entire team as the shoot had to commence at 8 am and the location was pretty far. I called my AD, DOP, the equipment team and ensured that all reach on time.Cab was at the door and I was all set to begin my journey by 6 am. We managed to reach the location on time and entered the shooting floor only to realize that a few planned articles weren’t available. Now, without wasting a moment, our minds began to brainstorm with the ambience to find the alternate ways and finally we achieved it. To win over a crisis on the shooting floor and achieve results through out-of-the-box innovation gives a unique sense of euphoria, an ecstasy unexplainable which only can be felt 🙂